Bing -- World News Trust
Nov. 7, 2023
The true costs of war are not only measured in money, lives, and resources, but also in the psychological, social, and environmental impacts that persist long after the conflict ends.
War can traumatize soldiers and civilians, disrupt families and communities, and destroy ecosystems and infrastructure. War can fuel hatred, violence, and extremism, creating cycles of revenge and retaliation that undermine peace and stability.
War can erode human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, making it harder to address the root causes of conflict and prevent future wars. War can divert resources from development, education, and health, exacerbating poverty and inequality.
War can contribute to climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, threatening the survival of all living beings on the planet. War can undermine the values and principles that make us human, such as compassion, justice, and dignity.
War can challenge our faith in ourselves, each other, and a higher power. War can rob us of our hope, joy, and creativity.
War can make us forget who we are and what we are fighting for.