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News Desk is friends with Ryan

Ryan is now a featured member. 11/11/2024

Milestone Alert! 🚀

We’re thrilled to announce that Interchain, LLC has secured the exclusive agency contract to implement and promote the...
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Francis Goodwin shared a photo in Ryan's profile. 29/12/2021

Ryan, This from team member Mickey Z.: " I've learned that to mint and sell NFT art, you need to create a wallet. Metamask is what most people seem... Show more

Ryan, This from team member Mickey Z.: " I've learned that to mint and sell NFT art, you need to create a wallet. Metamask is what most people seem to recommend but when you go to add the extension to Chrome, you get a disturbing warning:Whenever you have time, can you ask Ryan if this is safe?-Francis
Ryan Generally, yes. I use Metamask in both Chrome and mobile. There is a broader security conversation regarding key management that should be discussed. 3 years ago
Francis Goodwin Thanks, Ryan. -Francis 3 years ago
Mickey Z. Thank you, Francis and Ryan! Much appreciated. 3 years ago

Ryan. It was very nice speaking last night. I've asked my yonger daughter, Robin, to help create events for you.