Oct. 30, 2024
Sailing back listening to Pink Floyd’s classic Comfortably Numb.
The mood of melancholia is mixed with a musical yearning for something seemingly out of my reach. As the song ends I get tossed hard into the current reality. Oh, how I wish I could replay that song ad infinitum and just create a dream, a dream of being free from the mess we all find ourselves in.
The mystics teach how the mass consciousness can create the weather, either moderate or heinous. So it is with the political and moral contradictions we now face as a nation.
As David Gilmour of Pink Floyd plays that guitar solo that mesmerizes me, so I yearn for a change in this climate of divisiveness. The two parts of the One Party that serves this Military Industrial Empire hack at one another like backyard fighting chickens while the crowd of spectators cheers all the blood spilled.
And who suffers? Those of us who make up the majority of citizens, the "Working Stiffs." Meanwhile, the One Party system is subservient to the corporate world first and foremost.
Yes, the so-called "Better half," the Democrats, do make a better attempt to bandage our economic and actual physical wounds. Their competitors, the MAGA-ruled Republicans, are the wolves who form packs that go about devouring us, all in the name of "Freedom and Liberty."
Trump and his minions and super-rich donors keep dealing the race card, the No Abortion card, along with the Jesus card. Yes, they have taken Christ hostage in their delusionary world of make-believe. Don’t you know that all the undocumented, AKA Illegal, Aliens carry fentanyl with them over the border, as they seek women to rape and people to rob? Forget about the two brown-skinned Latino workers around my corner digging up dirt and shoveling it for their foreman, a white man. Or another two brown-skinned Latinos working on a roof in the next neighborhood. It’s only 90 degrees here in Florida. I should have stopped my morning walk and asked for a shipment of opiates. I passed a brown-skinned Latino lady as she pushed a stroller as some well-off woman’s nanny. I have to call another brown-skinned Latino cleaning lady that a neighbor recommended. When (Lord NO) the MAGA crowd wins the election, I guess there will be plenty of "Black jobs" as Trump calls them, to take the place of the aforementioned.
Sadly, this election is not about foreign policy, because if it were, then both halves of the One Party would fail my expectations. Too bad Kamala could not slowly disassociate herself from Genocide Joe in regard to Israel. Even if she just said how we could not send military aid to them until a ceasefire is agreed upon. That would get her millions of votes, regardless of the so called "Israel Lobby." For every vote that group would keep from her at least 10 more would come her way. You see, the MAGA mindset has always been up Israel’s rectum, not because they love the Jewish people. No, the MAGA mindset is either about unrealistic so-called "Biblical Prophecy" or else the need for unrealistic so-called American hegemony in that region.
So, you can toss any illusions about this election not being vital right out the window. When the Democrats label the MAGA Republicans as Fascist, the truth hurts folks:
Fascism is a government led by a dictator who controls every aspect of the society putting the wealthy minority on top. Fascism supports totalitarian single-party state.
PA Farruggio
October 30th , 2024